Interview Tips
Company information
- The most important step is to read and research the company you are interviewing for.
- Go through the company website, blog, and social media pages to assess its products, services, and client-base.
- Also, read recent press releases for insight on projected growth and stability.
- Review the organization's background and mission statement and take down some numbers like revenue, strength, offices, etc.
- These details can most likely be found on the website of the company in 'About us' or 'Who we are' section.
About the interviewer
- If you know the interviewer’s name already, research about him/her.
- Visit his/her profile on Naukri or LinkedIn and find out whether the person is an HR professional or a Technical Manager.
- Prepare for the interview accordingly.

Evaluate job description
- The recruiter puts the effort into mentioning a detailed job description for a reason. They are looking for someone who perfectly complements the job profile and role. So, make a good effort to go through the job description so that you are aware of the expectations the company has for the position.
Fit in skills and qualities
- While you analyze the job description, outline the knowledge, skills, and abilities required.
- Examine the hierarchy and determine where the position fits within the organization.
- Analyze what the employer is seeking concerning your qualifications. Tweak your resume accordingly.
Make a list of questions
- As per the company background and job role, make a list of questions you can expect to be thrown at you.
- Research answers to these questions via the company website, social media pages, company news, etc.
Mock interview
- Find a friend or a family member and hand them down the list of questions you prepared. Ask them to play the role of an interviewer. Practice answering all the questions on the list.
- You can also record your answers to analyze them further.
Organize documents
- Keep two copies of all the important documents such as your resume, cover letter, degrees, mark sheets, identity proofs, photographs, etc., ready.
- Also, check if the recruiter has asked you to bring any other thing like a laptop, notebook, etc. to the interview. Organize all the documents neatly in a folder.